5:30 PM to 8:30 AM
VFW Hall
For incoming PLs and all scouts aspiring to a leadership position I will be providing Pizza- bring your favorite beverage and snacks for later Uniform is Class B Bring 1 video game device- after the training you can play games until lights out
District Wide Service Project  
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Clear Creek Trail
We'll be building approximately 150 feet of trail in Old Town Silverdale and installing a bench. Bring a waterbottle, work gloves and your Scouting Spirit. Park somewhere along Lowell Street and we'll meet down at the end of Lowell Street.
DAR Medal Presentation  
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
It gives me the greatest pleasure to announce that your Boy Scout Troop 1539, Orca District, Chief Seattle Council, is the recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Elizabeth Ellington Chapter, Good Citizenship Medal. We extend our warm congratulations to you all. The Good Citizenship Medal is presented to youth service and patriotic organizations, whose membership fulfills the qualities of honor, service, courage, leadership, and patriotism. These members of the organization are selected by their personal acts and attitudes which have proven them the most outstanding citizen in the Organization. Those criteria are: Honor: High principles, trustworthiness, loyalty, truthfulness, punctuality, moral strength and stability, cleanliness in mind and body. Service: Cooperation, meritorious behavior, bringing honor to school or community, kindliness, unselfishness, true Americanism – individual responsibility to home, God and Country. Courage: mental and physical determination to overcome obstacles. Leadership: personality, originality, ability to lead others, good sportsmanship – responsibility. Patriotism: Fundamental Americanism. DAR presents this award to manifest its belief that attention to the patriotic education of our youth means building a stronger nation for the future As the recipient of the Good Citizenship Award your troop will receive the much coveted Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Medal. Although the medal may not currently be worn on the scout’s uniform, it may be placed on your troop flag.
Kayak Practice  
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Mandatory Kayak Training

Click on the name of the event to view details.

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site