6/14/2014  10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Anchor of Hope Church
10625 Ridgetop Blvd Silverdale

The Elizabeth Ellington DAR Chapter would like to have a Flag ceremony (need a color guard).

Scouts also may be asked to accept flags brought for retirement.

It is a potluck DAR meeting and scouts are welcome to stay and eat.

Additionally, for any scout working on their Communications MB they are looking for someone to provide a brief presentation explaining the Flag's symbolism and Flag traditions/ceremony. THE PRESENTATION IS NOT REQUIRED
It is available as a public speaking opportunity. (Could possibly fulfill requirement 3 or 6 of the communications MB, Talk to your MB counselor)

Please contact Heather Ross for more information.
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This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site