Philmont Scout Ranch
Time to get started on your Philmont ISAs - a total of $940 is due per person on 3/1/2018 - we have 3 crews - estimated cost will be about $1900/person for Philmont and transportation
Please register for T-Shirts for the crew- I recommend at least 3 each-
Pick the Itinerary and T-Shirt orders

Crew 628G-01Crew 628G-02Crew 628Y
** Josh Cornish
* Hayden Peterson
Tristan Hahn
Wyatt Horne
*** J.J. Mottner
Ray Rumpke
Ayden Hartman
Sterling Schumacher
*** Sterling Wagoner
*Caden Hood
Ben Mauk
Cameron Cherry
Daniel Dabney
** Reagan Ashcraft
Matt Willis
** James Haggerty
Kamalu Lyons
Jacob Gesell
Tristan Derr
*** Adrian Washington
Reilly Hickcox
Tom Bougan
Bryan Cornish
Chris Horne
Nick Peterson
Josh Wagoner
Jason Hood
Jason Mauk
John Dabney
Brian Haggerty
Tony Lyons
Adam Derr
Dave Gesell

*** Crew Leader
** Chaplains Aide
* Wilderness Guia

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site