7/29/2023  9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Whaling days details:
0800- Boys heading to camp need to be at the VFW hall to help load your gear- bring a sack lunch and put it into the vehicle you are going to camp in - your name will be on a list in the passenger side window if you are riding in that vehicle - put your items that you want to keep with you in the vehicle (including your sack lunch) into that vehicle -
0830-0845 - depart for the Mall - we are hoping to rendesvous in the WinCo parking lot - I will be driving the van with up to 14 scouts, Mr. Allen will also be driving a van for up to 14 more-
Mr. Huey will meet us at the mall with the flags to march with-
We will reposition the vehicles to the library parking lot and check in with the parade organizers on the west side of the mall -
1000 - parade starts - we are #20 in line-
Upon conclusion, we hike up to the Library parking lot to load extra flags into his truck, gather for a departing photograph and depart for Summer Camp
Scouts not going to camp will be picked up by their families at the library parking lot on Anderson Hill road-

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site