- 2025
- January
- 8 Adult Work Party
- 15 Adult Work Party (0/4)
- February
- 12 Adult Work Party
- March
- 12 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- 4 Events
- 2024
- January
- 10 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- 26 Adult Sewing Party (0/5) *
- February
- 7 Adult Work Party (0/4)
- March
- 6 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- April
- 1 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 10 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- May
- 8 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- 24 Loading Firewood (3/4)
- June
- 12 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- July
- 10 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- 13 VFW Hall cleanup (0/2)
- August
- 5 Mowing the lawn/Ballfield (1/2)
- 7 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- September
- 11 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- October
- 9 Adult Work Party (0/3)
- November
- 13 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- 16 Events
- 2023
- January
- 11 Adult Work Party (0/3)
- February
- 8 Adult Work Party (0/5)
- March
- 8 Adult Work Party (0/5)
- April
- 12 Adult Work Party (0/5)
- 15 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 22 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 29 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- May
- 3 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- 6 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- 10 Rumage Sale Work Party (0/2)
- 11 Rumage Sale Setup (0/1)
- 12 Rumage Sale Setup (1/2)
- 13 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 20 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 28 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- June
- 3 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 10 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 14 Adult Work Party (0/3)
- 17 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 24 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- July
- 12 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- 15 VFW work party (0/1)
- 21 Steak Night Support (0/6)
- August
- 9 Adult Work Party (0/3)
- September
- 13 Adult Work Party (0/4)
- October
- 11 Adult Work Party (0/4)
- 19 JOTI/JOTA setup (0/4)
- November
- 5 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- 5 Adult Work Party (0/1)
- 8 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- 12 Pulling Trees (5/4)
- December
- 20 Adult Work Party
- 32 Events
- 2022
- April
- 16 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 23 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 30 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- May
- 8 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 14 Mowing the lawn/ball field (3/2)
- 21 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 27 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 28 Gear Day (1/1)
- June
- 7 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 8 Gear Day (0/1)
- 11 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 18 House Cleaning for 50th Birthday Bash (10/7) *
- 19 Birthday Bash Setup (1/3)
- July
- 10 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- 13 Adult Chore Night (0/1)
- 14 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 24 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/2)
- August
- 10 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- September
- 14 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- October
- 12 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- November
- 9 Adult Work Party (0/5)
- December
- 14 Adult Work Party (0/2)
- 22 Events
- 2021
- April
- 3 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 10 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/0)
- 17 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/0)
- 24 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 30 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/1)
- May
- 9 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 15 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 22 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 22 Gear Day (8/4)
- 29 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- June
- 5 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 12 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- July
- 7 Wood Pickup (1/3)
- 13 Events
- 2020
- January
- 13 Parking lot clearing party (3/1)
- February
- 15 Gear Day (0/1)
- 29 Gear Day (6/4)
- April
- 4 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 11 Mowing the lawn/ball field (2/2)
- 19 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- 25 Mowing the lawn/ball field (5/4)
- May
- 3 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 10 Mowing the lawn/ball field (3/2)
- 17 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/0)
- 25 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 28 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- June
- 6 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 14 Mowing the lawn/ball field (2/0)
- 20 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/0)
- 27 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- July
- 4 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/0)
- 4 Drywall Removal/Electrical (0/1)
- September
- 5 Flooring Party/Fall Cleanup (0/1) *
- 6 Flooring Party/Fall Cleanup (0/4) *
- October
- 15 JOTI setup (0/1)
- November
- 28 Ga-Ga Ball pit building (4/2) *
- 29 Ga-Ga Ball pit building (5/2) *
- December
- 6 Tree Pickup- *
- 12 Building a Human Foosball Pit
- 25 Events
- 2019
- March
- 9 Gear Day (5/2) *
- April
- 8 Mowing the lawn (0/1)
- 12 Rummage Sale Setup (0/1)
- 14 Mowing the lawn
- 17 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 29 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2) *
- May
- 5 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 5 Installing outdoor lighting (1/1)
- 10 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- 17 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 26 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- 31 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- June
- 3 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 9 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 16 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/2)
- 23 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- July
- 7 Gear Day (1/1) *
- 28 Gear Day - Canoes (1/1) *
- September
- 29 Gear Day - Tents (3/1)
- December
- 28 Storage Area modifications (0/2)
- 29 Hanging new TV (0/1)
- 21 Events
- 2018
- February
- 17 Sled Maintenance (6/3) *
- March
- 31 Spring Cleaning (2/4) *
- April
- 8 Canoe Barn Clean up (2/3)
- 8 Mowing the lawn (1/0)
- 15 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/1)
- 22 Mowing the lawn/ball field (1/1)
- May
- 6 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 12 Gutter Replacement (0/5)
- 13 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 13 Gear Day (1/1)
- 17 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/3)
- 21 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/2)
- 26 Gear Day
- 27 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 28 Gear Day/Lawn Maintenance (0/1)
- June
- 3 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- 15 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 16 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 24 Mowing the lawn/ball field
- July
- 2 Gear / Maintenance (23/0) *
- 15 Gear Day
- August
- 29 Gear Day (1/1)
- October
- 7 Fall Cleaning (2/3) *
- 30 Stowing Zombie Gear (2/3)
- November
- 1 Stowing Zombie Gear (3/4)
- 25 Events
- 2017
- February
- 25 Canoe Barn - Site Prep Support *
- March
- 4 Canoe Barn work (1/2)
- 25 Concrete Pour (2/2)
- April
- 16 Mowing the lawn/ball field (0/1)
- 21 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/1)
- 23 Field Day (10/11)
- 30 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- May
- 2 Electrical Work Party (1/1)
- 7 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 14 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 21 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/2)
- 28 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/2)
- June
- 4 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 11 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (2/1)
- 18 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 25 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 25 Gear Day (0/2)
- July
- 2 Mowing Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 9 Mowing Lawn / Ball Field
- 16 Mowing Lawn / Ball Field
- 23 Mowing Lawn / Ball Field
- 30 Mowing Lawn / Ball Field
- August
- 6 Mowing Lawn / Ball Field
- 13 Mowing Lawn / Ball Field (1/1)
- September
- 4 Spar Party- (1/2)
- October
- 1 Field Day (0/1)
- 22 Peeling Party (1/2)
- November
- 12 Peeling Party/Gear Day (1/2)
- December
- 10 Peeling Party/Gear Day (0/2)
- 29 Events
- 2016
- January
- 2 Gear Day (0/1)
- 23 Field Day (4/3)
- March
- 12 Rummage Sale Pickup (0/2)
- April
- 3 Field Day (4/5) *
- 3 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 8 Rummage Sale Setup (4/11)
- 10 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 17 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 24 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- May
- 1 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 8 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 15 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 20 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 27 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- June
- 5 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- 12 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- August
- 14 Gear Day (9/4)
- October
- 2 Field Day (3/5)
- November
- 6 Gear Day (5/5)
- 20 Events
- 2015
- January
- 4 Gear Day (1/5)
- 25 Gear Day (5/9)
- February
- 14 Gear Day (0/1)
- March
- 1 Spar Barn Raising- Day 1 (2/5) *
- 8 Spar Barn Raising- Day 2 (2/3)
- 26 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- April
- 4 VFW Hall Cleanup (7/5)
- 9 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 10 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 16 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 19 Rope Bridge Rigging (1/2)
- 24 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 25 Camporee Prep (0/2)
- 27 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- May
- 7 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 14 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 23 Gear Day (3/5)
- 25 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 28 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- June
- 2 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 11 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 18 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 28 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 28 Gear Day (1/2)
- August
- 2 Gear Day (0/3)
- September
- 6 Gear Day- (2/4)
- October
- 3 VFW Hall Cleanup (9/4)
- 27 Events
- 2014
- January
- 12 Gear Day (2/7)
- 26 VFW Hall Cleanup (3/4)
- April
- 2 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 5 Gear Day (1/2)
- 5 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 6 VFW Hall Cleanup (4/8)
- 11 Rummage Sale Setup (3/14)
- 12 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 27 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- May
- 6 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/3)
- 15 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 17 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 24 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 29 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- June
- 9 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 16 Setting up the COH (1/1)
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 21 Gear Day (4/4)
- 28 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- August
- 18 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 24 Setup for the Barbeque (1/6)
- 31 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- October
- 4 VFW Hall cleanup (12/6)
- 5 Gear Day (1/3)
- November
- 1 Gear Day (1/4)
- 8 Gear Day/Parking Lot Cleanup (0/3)
- 27 Events
- 2013
- January
- 4 Painting the back hall (0/1)
- 26 Open House Hall Cleanup (4/1)
- February
- 2 Sled Prep/Storage cleanup
- April
- 12 Rummage Sale Setup- (4/11)
- 13 VFW Hall Cleanup (6/3) *
- 24 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- May
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 25 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- June
- 1 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- 15 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 29 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 30 Scoutmaster Projects (0/2)
- July
- 10 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 21 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 24 Blowing down the Parking Lot (0/1)
- 29 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- September
- 7 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/1)
- October
- 6 VFW Hall Cleanup (7/7) *
- 13 VFW Hall Installation (1/9)
- 19 Events
- 2012
- January
- 28 VFW Hall Cleanup (10/9)
- April
- 14 VFW Hall Cleanup (5/3) *
- 23 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 28 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (2/0)
- May
- 7 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 12 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 24 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- June
- 2 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 9 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 23 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- July
- 9 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- 17 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- 29 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- August
- 9 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- October
- 21 VFW Hall Cleanup (5/7) *
- December
- 29 Scout Hall Work Day (0/1)
- 17 Events
- 2011
- January
- 22 Cleaning the Hall for Open House (1/5)
- April
- 2 VFW Hall Cleanup (12/4) *
- 18 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/4)
- 23 Lawn Maintenance/Blackberry Clearing (24/6) *
- 30 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- May
- 7 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 14 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/2)
- 26 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- June
- 4 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/0)
- 6 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 11 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field
- 19 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/1)
- 30 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/1)
- July
- 17 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (0/2)
- 18 Removing Scotch Broom (0/1)
- 30 Mowing the Lawn/Ball Field (1/1)
- October
- 8 VFW Hall Cleanup (18/16) *
- 18 Events
- 2010
- March
- 24 Parking Lot Cleanup (0/1)
- 27 Well Pump Removal (1/4) *
- 31 Well Pump Install (0/2)
- April
- 3 VFW Hall Tree Removal (0/5) *
- 6 VFW Hall Tree Removal & Roof Repair (1/2)
- 10 VFW Roof Repair (0/1)
- 12 Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- 19 Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- 24 Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- May
- 1 Lawn Mowing
- 6 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 7 Sweep up Parking Lot (0/1)
- 8 Weed Whacking (0/1)
- 24 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- June
- 5 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 12 Lawn Mowing (1/3)
- 19 Lawn Mowing
- 26 Lawn Mowing
- July
- 18 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 21 Ball Field Maintenance (0/1)
- 25 Ball Field Mowing (0/1)
- August
- 1 Mowing the Ball Field (0/1)
- 27 Mowing the Ball Field (0/1)
- November
- 13 Parking Lot Cleanup! (9/5) *
- December
- 4 Christmas Tree Pickup (11/6) *
- 25 Events
- 2009
- April
- 26 Lawn Mowing (0/2)
- May
- 2 Lawn Mowing
- 11 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 16 Lawn Mowing
- 23 Lawn Mowing
- 30 Lawn Mowing
- June
- 4 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 14 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 22 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 27 Lawn Mowing
- July
- 4 Mow Ball Field (0/2)
- 9 VFW Lawn/Field Mowing (1/1)
- 10 Sweeping VFW Parking Lot (2/3)
- August
- 5 Mow Ball Field (1/1)
- 18 Lawn Mowing (1/0)
- 23 Tent Washing (24/9)
- September
- 24 Lawn Mowing (1/0)
- November
- 21 Parking Lot Cleanup (1/2)
- 18 Events
- 2008
- January
- 19 Scout Hall Cleanup (13/8)
- 19 Building Awning (0/2)
- 25 Roofing Awning/Electical (0/2)
- February
- 18 Adding Lights to the Awning (0/1)
- 18 Remodeling Gear Storage (0/1)
- 23 Remodeling Gear Storage (1/3)
- March
- 15 Lawn mowing (0/1)
- 22 Lawn mowing
- 29 Lawn mowing (0/1)
- April
- 5 Lawn mowing
- 11 Rummage Sale- Setup (11/13)
- 16 Lawn mowing (0/1)
- 20 Tree Harvesting (2/3)
- 21 Lawn mowing (0/1)
- May
- 1 Lawn mowing (0/2)
- 3 Lawn mowing
- 10 Lawn mowing (0/1)
- 17 Lawn mowing
- 24 Lawn mowing
- 31 Lawn mowing
- June
- 9 Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 14 Lawn Mowing
- 19 Lawn Mowing (0/2)
- 28 Lawn Mowing
- August
- 28 Lawn Mowing (0/2)
- September
- 7 Tent Washing (7/5) *
- October
- 26 Parking Lot Cleanup (14/7) *
- 27 Events
- 2007
- March
- 17 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 24 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 31 VFW Lawn Mowing (3/0)
- April
- 9 VFW Lawn Mowing (3/0) *
- 13 Rummage Sale Setup (13/17) *
- 14 Rummage Sale (14/6) *
- 14 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/0)
- 19 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 28 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- May
- 7 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- 14 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- 19 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 26 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- June
- 3 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 11 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 18 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 19 VFW Weed Control (1/0)
- 25 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/2)
- 30 VFW Weed Prevention (0/1)
- July
- 2 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/1)
- 16 VFW Lawn Mowing (0/2)
- 26 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- August
- 18 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- September
- 10 VFW Lawn Mowing (1/1)
- 21 VFW Lawn mowing (0/1)
- 25 Events
- 2006
- January
- 7 Clean Scout Hall (12/6)
- April
- 14 Rummage Sale Setup (6/0)
- 15 Rummage Sale (12/4) *
- December
- 3 Paint Party (0/7) *
- 30 Scout Hall Cleanup (10/7) *
- 5 Events
- 2005
- January
- 8 Clean Scout Hall (8/6)
- April
- 18 Rummage Sale Setup (11/15)
- 22 Rummage Sale Setup (4/4) *
- 3 Events
- 2004
- March
- 9 VFW Cleanup (1/2)
- June
- 5 Spring Cleaning (7/6)