Links to published articles involving the troop
Click on the name of the item to view it.
Joint Eable Court of Honor   -   12/12/2014
A rather unusual Eagle Scout ceremony was held by Boy Scout Troop 1539 of Silverdale on Nov. 24. Usually, one or two ...

Summer Camp at Emerald Bay   -   8/30/2014
Twenty-three Scouts and nine adults from Silverdale’s Troop 1539 attended summer camp Aug. 3-9 at Camp Emerald Bay on Sa ...

Whaling Days   -   8/1/2014
Boy Scouts from Troop 1539 of Silverdale paddle their canoe and orca-themed float down SIlverdale Way during the Whaling ...

Mike Newman makes Eagle   -   2/22/2013
Michael Newman credits the Boy Scouts with helping shape who he is today. The 17-year-old junior at Olympic High School ...

KOMO article on breakins   -   10/3/2012
SILVERDALE, Wash. -- A group of Silverdale Boy Scouts learned some hard lessons this week after they discovered a thief ...

Travis Montgomery, Craig Orwin make Eagle   -   12/15/2011
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout. Two Central Kitsap teens can take on that outlook after earning the rank ...

Klondike Derby   -   2/27/2009
Members of Boy Scout Troop 1539 from Silverdale celebrate their tire-bowling effort at Saturday’s Klondike Derby at the ...

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site