5:00 PM to 4:00 PM
VFW Hall
Adult Training - Friday: 5:00-5:30 Arrival, pack weigh in 5:30 - Welcome aboard/Introductions/facilities tour 5:45 - Campsite selection/Setup 6:15 - EDGE method/How Scouts Learn 6:45 - fire building/woods tools/Totin Chit 7:15 - Flag etiquette/retirement 7:30 - Dutch oven basics/cleaning cast iron 8:00 - Prepare/cook Dutch oven treat 8:30 - Meal Planning/Dehydration/Prepping breakfast & lunch 9:00 - cracker barrel, the night sky (how to find North at night) 10:00 - lights out Saturday: 6:30 - Reveille 7:00 - Lighting a camp stove/ how they work 7:30 - Breakfast (prepped the night prior) 8:00 - Camping Gear - Tents - Sleeping Systems - Packs - Cooking Gear - Footwear - Clothing - Optional (chairs/hammocks/trekking poles/etc.) 9:00 - Physics for Scouts- - Seasons, what to know - Weather - Finding North (shadowless stick method) - Maps 10:00 - Food (Life is too short to eat crap) - Storage 11:00 - Ropes (Whipping/Fusing/Lashing/Knots) - Everybody Up competition 11:45 - Lunch 12:30 - How scouts Advance- SM topics 1:00 - Plant & Animal Identification in the NW- 1:30 - First Aid 3:00 - Break Camp 3:30 - wrap up, catch up - 4:00 - depart Please come prepared to sleep in a tent on Friday night, I can provide you with power and we have flush toilets - so you aren't ask to 'rough it' too much -- Please bring $5 to cover the cost of the food provided, and either eat before you come or bring a sack dinner to eat during instruction- I recommend you bring a camp chair of your choice, or you will have to use one of ours which I can't guarantee to be as comfortable :)
Gordon's Eagle Project  
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
VFW Hall
5:00 PM to 9:00 AM
VFW Hall

Click on the name of the event to view details.

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site