Skippers Takeover-Shift-1  
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Class A uniform. Raise money to keep down the cost of scouting. Funds go to buy Troop gear so you don't have to but it yourself. Scouts bus tables, serve food, and wave signs. Invite your friends, invite your families, invite random strangers that look hungry.
Key 3 Meeting  
5:45 PM to 7:15 PM
Skippers Takeover-Shift-2  
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Class A uniform. Raise money to keep down the cost of scouting. Funds go to buy Troop gear so you don't have to but it yourself. Scouts bus tables, serve food, and wave signs. Invite your friends, invite your families, invite random strangers that look hungry.
OA Chapter Meeting  
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
VFW Hall

Click on the name of the event to view details.

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site