5:45 PM to 7:00 PM VFW Hall
Scouts will be working on two (2) MBs simultaneously.
Cost for Clinic is $20 cash or ISA (if Scout has positive balance). Cost covers admission to Bloedel Reserve & supplies.
Clinic is three (3), possibly four (4) sessions & an offsite trip (Saturday, 07OCT23).
Sign-up for all events.
For Monday sessions, arrive for a 1745 start, but clinic may not begin until 1800.
Class is limited to 10 Scouts, once that limit is reached, a standby list will be started.
Once signed-up if Scout cannot attend, please notify Mr. Kammerer to be withdrawn to open the slot.
Worksheets are good references, but not required.
Architecture: http://www.usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/Architecture.pdf
Landscape Architecture: http://www.usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/Landscape-Architecture.pdf
MB Counselor: Mr. Occhiogrosso