6/21/2013 (10:00 AM)  -  6/23/2013
Upper Lena Lake
Scouts will need to attend Mt. Ellinor climb including overnighting on the moutain, along with ice axe, crampon and basic rope skills training as a pre-requisite for climb. This pre-requisite can be waived only if scout is proficient at the skills listed and cleared by adult leader. Camp at Lower Lena- assault the Brothers on Saturday




GPS Route Details
Start Coordinates: ,
Total distance: 0.00 Miles
Max Elevation: 0.00 Feet
Vertical Gain: 0.00 Feet
Total Pictures (31)      Smug Mug Gallery

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site
